The Articles of Confederation vs.
The US Constitution

Write the word Articles if the item is found in the Articles of Confederation. If the Constitution is described, write Constitution. No answer is repeated within each topic.

1) Legislature
___________: Bicameral, called Congress, divided into the House of Representatives and the Senate.
___________: Unicameral, called Congress.

2) Members of Congress
___________: Between two and seven members per state.
___________: Two Senators per state, Representatives apportioned according to population of each state.

3) Voting in Congress
___________: One vote per Representative or Senator.
___________: One vote per state.

4) Appointment of members
___________: All appointed by state legislatures, in the manner each legislature directed.
___________: Representatives elected by popular vote, Senators appointed by state legislatures.

5) Term of legislative office
___________: Two years for Representatives, six for Senators.
___________: One year.

6) Congressional Pay
___________: Paid by the federal government.
___________: Paid by states.

7) Chair of legislature
___________: Speaker of the House of Representatives, Vice President is President of the Senate.
___________: President of Congress.

8) Executive: ___________: None ___________: President

9) National Judiciary
___________: Maritime judiciary established.
___________: Federal judiciary established, including Supreme Court.

10) Who settles disputes between states?
___________: Supreme Court.
___________: Congress.

11) New States
___________: Admitted upon agreement of nine states (special exemption provided for Canada).
___________: Admitted upon agreement of Congress.

12) Amendment
___________: When agreed upon by all states.
___________: When agreed upon by three-fourths of all states.

13) Armed forces
___________: Congress authorized to build a navy; states authorized to equip warships. to counter piracy; Congress to decide on size of force and to requisition troops from each state according to population.
___________: Congress authorized to build a navy; states not allowed to keep ships of war; Congress authorized to raise and support armies.

14 Power to coin money and Taxation
___________: United States and the states; taxes apportioned by Congress, collected by the states.
___________: United States only; taxes laid and collected by Congress.

15) Ratification
___________: Unanimous consent required.
___________: Consent of nine states required.

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