Basic HTML: A Worksheet

For each HTML tag in the brackets, describe its function or effect on the web page as it appears in the web browser.
Use the final product of this page at (Faculty Web Page Template) to describe the page.

<HTML>  Each web page must tell the browser to interpret the page as Hypertext Markup Language.

<HEAD>  This tag contains specific information about the page including scripts. Code found here is hidden from the viewer.

<TITLE>Place Your Name Or Title Here</TITLE> Each page has a title that appears at the top of the screen.
This title is also read and indexed by search engines.

</HEAD> This tag tells the browser to end the HEAD section.

<BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" TEXT="red"> The visible section of the page begins here.
The background color (BGCOLOR) is white ("#FFFFFF") and the text is red. Some colors can be displayed as words, others must be indicated by hexadecimal codes.

<IMG align=left SRC="/nhhs/staff/librarian.gif"> The browser is calling an image (IMG). It is aligning the image to the left so the text wraps around it to the right (align=left). The source of the image is a file called librarian.gif found in a subdirectory called "staff" within an account called "nhhs." The address is a partial URL rather then an absolute one.

<h1>Place Your Name Or Title Here</H1> These container tags are used for large font size usually as the heading at the top of the page.

<H3>Subjects: List Your Subjects Here<p> <H3> is a font size somewhat smaller, used to indicate subheadings.
<p> indicates a paragraph break, creating one line of space between characters.

<B>E-Mail: <A HREF=""></A></B>
<B> and </B> tell the browser to render the text as bold. <A HREF=""> created a "mailto" link to the address Anchor Hypertext REFerence is the code that creates any clickable link.

<H4>Degrees: List degrees, colleges and years obtained here.<p>

<H4></H4> Indicates a font size that is the browser default, but containing a bold appearance.

Professional Information: tell us about your experiences at North; years of services, professional history.<p>

My personal interests include:<p>

<ul> Creates an unordered list.
<li> Includes the list elements.
</ul> Ends the unordered list

Websites To Visit:<P>


<hr> Creates a Horizontal Rule or line across the screen.

Thanks for visiting my page and our web site. If you like, send <A HREF="MAILTO:georgec@umd5.umedu">e-mail to our postmaster at,</A> who will pass your message on to me. If you are sending mail to, please enter my name in the To: line. I'll try to respond as soon as I can!<p>



<table width=100% border=3> Begins a table that crosses the full length of the screen (100%). This value can also be expressed in pixels to allow for a specific length. The thickness of the table border is 3 pixels.

<tr> begins the table row.

<td align=center valign=top> The tag creates a cell within the row of the table. The cell includes some form of DATA (thus the tag Table Data or TD). The data is to appear in the center of the cell and aligned to the top of the cell.

<h4><A HREF="/nhhs/html/people.html">To The NHHS Faculty On-Line Page</a></td>
This is the code for a clickable link to a file called people.html in the "html" subdirectory  of the "nhhs" account. The text that has been highlighted is the words between the <A HREF> and the </a> (end anchor) tags (To The NHHS Faculty On-Line Page).

<td align=center valign=top>
href="/nhhs/html/website.html">To The Website Directory</a></H4></td>
Another cell of the table in the row with a link to a file called website.html.
</tr> End the table row.
<tr> Begin another table row.
<td colspan=2 align=center valign=top> Begin a table cell spanning 2 columns (colspan=2).

<H4><a href="/nhhs/nhhs.html">To the NHHS Main Page</a></h4></td>
</table> End the table.
</body> End the elements visible  to the browser.
</html> End the HTML Page.


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To Lesson on Basic HTML

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