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Video Worksheet: History of the US Government
Number Correct:_____

Match the term with the definition, person, or quotation


___1) He said the United States has a government “of the people, by the people, and for the people.”


___2) Also known as the Framers, these men formed the early governments of the United States


___3) Schools, transportation, the space program, and social security are examples of these.


___4) The great experiment of democracy in ancient times took place in this Greek city


___5) Lasting 100 years, from 1688 to 1789, it was also called “the age of Reason,” and it gave the basis for the beliefs of the American Revolution.

___6) A form of government, put forth by Niccolo Machiavelli,  where the citizens do not rule directly but who elect leaders to make the laws for them.


___7) This idea states: Citizens must put aside selfish desires and work for the common good.


___8) He put forth the idea of constitutionalism, which said the government must be limited by a set of laws. Lawmakers are not above the law.

___9) Baron de Montesquieu put forth the idea that government must be divided into a legislature that makes laws, an executive that carries out laws, and a judiciary that interprets laws. This idea is called what?

___10) John Locke ‘s idea of that each citizen had natural rights to life liberty, and property was the basis for Jefferson’s ideas in the Declaration of Independence.

___11) This document was written when pilgrims agreed to follow the laws that they would create “for the general good of the colony.” It was the first form of self-government in the colonies.


___12) This document uses Locke’s idea that
whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation… as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

___13) This document established a loose association of states among the thirteen former British colonies, each one sovereign and independent.

___14) This event led to the revision of the Articles in Philadelphia, but eventually 55 delegates decided to form a new constitution.

___15) This part of the Constitution was added to protect the individual rights of citizens from a government that could become too powerful.

A) The Founding Fathers


B) John Locke

  C) The Mayflower Compact


D) Government services


E) The Articles of Confederation

F) Athens


G) Abraham Lincoln

H) The Bill of Rights


I) Separation of Powers


J) Civic Virtue

K) Republicanism


L) Shays’ Rebellion

M) The Enlightenment


N) The Declaration of Independence


O) Liberalism




Questions 12-15 continue on reverse side.



Civics by George Cassutto © 2004 published by TeachingPoint

As part of the Expert Systems for Teachers ™ Series

Answers are available

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