Beat the Expert: Questions on The Road to Revolution

This set of questions was developed for use with Dave Carpenter's lesson structure called "Beat the Pro" found at

___1) The French were allies with the British during the French and Indian war.



___2) The Albany Plan was Ben Franklin's plan to make Albany New York the capital of the United States.



___3) George Washington fought for the British when we was defeated at Fort Necessity.



___4) The French and Indian War was limited to fighting on the North American continent.



___5) The French were permitted to keep Quebec according to the Treaty of Paris of 1763.



___6) Pontiac's Rebellion in 1763, led by the great Ottawa chief,  caused the British to lose control over their forts in the Great lakes region.



___7) The Proclamation of  1763 was gladly received by the English colonists when the French and Indian War ended.



___8) The British government respected the rights of the Colonists when they used Writs of Assistance and when Parliament passed the Stamp Act.



___9) One way the Colonies expressed their displeasure with taxes placed on them by Parliament was to buy as many good from England as possible.



___10) The Boston Tea Party was a way of protesting against the high tax placed on tea by the Tea Act of 1773.



___11) The Declaration of Independence promised equality for all people living in the colonies, which had declared their independence from Great Britain.




Answers are available

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