Lesson Plan:  Know Your 13 Colonies

Date: September 28, 2000

Objectives: The students will

I.  identify the 13 British colonies and the region in which each resides.

II.  analyze the historical origins and economic development of each colony.

III.  create an original flag for a colony that reflects the colony's history and development.
Warm Up Activity (Anticipatory Set):  Reviewing Geography

A) Place an unlabelled base map of the colonies on the overhead.

B) Have students come to the overhead and identify the colonies, their regions.

C) Have students insert additional information on their maps such as year the Colony was founded, who founded it, and reason for founding. Use $ for profit motive. Use a cross for religious freedom.

This information is available at a student-created website called 13 Originals: Founding the American Colonies

Main Activity (Instructional Input): Creating a Colonial Flag

A) Have students for groups of 3 or 4 depending on class size.

B) Distribute packets to students providing information on Colonies.

C) Tell students:

Creating a Colonial Flag

Imagine you are on a committee to create a flag for your colony. Use at least three ideas from the information in the packet to create an original flag that shows important facts about your colony. The flag must have symbols or words that tell the world about the colony. The symbols can deal with the geography, history, economy, or culture of the colony. Students should use drawings, printed material, or cut out material to create their flag.

D) Each student must play one of the following roles during the flag creation process:

1) Researcher: Uses computer or encyclopedia to locate visual items for the flag.

2) Graphic Artist: Draws symbols or lettering for the flag. 

3) Layout specialist: Helps develop a rough version of the flag first.

4) Presenter: Tells class about symbols and ideas on the flag.

Guided Practice: Student presentations on flags.

A) Have students present their information to the class by explaining what they developed.

B) Students must take notes as teacher writes information on board or overhead.

Check For Understanding: Quiz on Colonies

A) Students should be ready to complete a quiz on the colonies that includes a map and fact questions.

B) Review answers orally as students check papers.

Homework (Independent Practice): None

Wrap-Up Activity (Closure): Thinking About Colonization

A) Discuss with the students: why did the English colonize America?

B) Which idea is more powerful in America today: religion or profit?
 Evaluation: The lesson will be evaluated by:

I. the accuracy of student's written responses;

II. student's scores on future tests and quizzes.

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