Date: Fri, 26 May 2000 17:48:24 -0400 (EDT)
From: address suppressed
To: students
Subject: Comment from Libyan

Dear students

As a Libyan living in exile, a way from the grip of Quaddafi, I thank you
for your letter to Quaddafi and I wished that you did not make the
comparison between the two system of governments, i.e. Libya and USA, for a
number of reasons. First, people reading your letter, even Quaddafi
himself, will think that you were brain washed and biased in your
comparison; therefore will not look at it objectively. Second, what is good
for one nation may not be good for others due to differences in cultures and
beliefs. Third, the Libyan people are not necessarily looking up to USA as a
model; rather they are seeking basic freedom which entitles them to freedoms
of speech, press, assembly, and religion; as you indicated in your letter.

All your comments about the cruelty of the government are 100% true. I 
personally experienced these cruelty and I was detained and tortured for
over two years without any (fair or unfair) trial. Not to say how much
suffering my kids, wife and parents have gone through not knowing if I was
a live! or would I ever come back to them. The prisons in Libya are full
with innocent people who have been jailed for decades without trial! And no
Libyan will dispute this fact.

I believe that Quaddafi succeeded in distorting the peaceful profile of
Libyans and portrayed them as terrorists. Unfortunately, Libyans (even those
running away from Quaddafi) are treated with this profile in mind;
specially when it gets to giving VISA to Libyans to enter USA.

I think, beside calling upon Quaddafi to abandon his cruelty towards his
own people, I expect to see you advocating the same principles with your own
leaders, asking them to stand behind oppressed people even if it is against
the interest of the USA. Because, if Justice prevails, it will be in favour
of all people, Libyans and Americans. I will be very sadden if short-sighted 
politicians, dollars or business opportunities in Libya can "kill" this

As future leaders of the USA, with the positive mentality to be concerned
about human rights and justice, is an encouraging sign which will bring hope
to those who desperately need it.

Wish you Americans and us Libyans Freedom, Justice and Prosperity .....


Libyan from exile

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