Equal Rights For All: Traditional Media On The Web


Not all classes at North Hagerstown High School have the computer facilities that can be found in Mr. Cassutto's class. Learning, nevertheless, goes on as students present their information using more traditional methods. The 9th grade students of Ms. Anne Stickler developed traditional media displays of famous figures, events, and concepts of the Civil Rights movement as well as other topics relating to equal rights.

Martin Luther King project
One of the most popular topics for students of the Civil Rights Movement is that of Martin Luther King, Jr. His leadership and bravery makes him one of the most enduring heroes of our time.

To many students, King is the embodiment of the Civil Rights Movement and of the ideal of equality in America. Students were able to use encyclopedias and biographies to make xerox copies for illustrations of their posters. Students used photos that spanned King's life, including his meeting with Malcolm X in 1964. King and his wife Coretta are also depicted here.

Candace V. and Latisha M. assembled this King montage.


This project was a mask of the great civil rights leader Frederick Douglass. The mask was developed by Sid H. and Zach S., who used a simple plastic Halloween mask, cotton balls, and magic marker coloring to create a hard-shell image of Frederick Douglass.  Douglass is of special interest to Maryland schoolchildren because of his Maryland roots.

Ms. Stickler states that the mask was a favorite of her students until they felt the eyes watching them and moving back and forth as they went about their activities. The mask is posted on the front wall of Ms. Stickler's classroom.

Frederick Douglass Mask


Eleanor Roosevelt Project
The work of Eleanor Roosevelt in empowering the disenfranchized and downtrodden during the Great Depression is often overlooked in high school government and history courses. The programs and efforts she coordinated in the areas of women's rights, human rights, and racial equality came as a new aspect of her career to Heather S. and Amanda W., who gathered biographical information and put together this display.


Cathy B. and Ellery H. used hand-painted quilt squares to bring to life the events and ideals of the life of Robert F. kennedy, who was one of the strongest advocates from the white power establishment for black civil rights during the 1960s. The following events in the life of RFK can be seen:
  • Born: November 20, 1925
  • Graduated from University of Virginia, 1951
  • US Attorney General: 1961-1964
  • US Senator from New York: 1965-1968
  • Author, To Seek A Newer World
  • Day of Affirmation Address, Cape Town, South Africa, 1996
    "We must recognize the human equality of all our people before God,
    before the law, and in the councils of government."
  • RFK was giving a speech in Indiana on April 4, 1968 when the news of Martin Luther King's assassination broke.
RFK Quilt
Crazy Horse: Strange Man of the Oglala Sioux
This image of Crazy Horse was completed in freehand by David M., who based his work on verbal descriptions from primary sources rather than previously existing images that he had found elesewhere. There are very few existing images of crazy Horse, so David had to imagine the headdress, clothing and appearance of the Sioux leader based on oral histories he had found.

Ms. Stickler's students have developed a rich collection of student projects that demonstrate the diversity of American history and culture. Their projects show that the American ideals of equality and brotherhood have not always been the reality for our people. The students found that in our history, it has been the African-Americans, the Native Americans, the women, the immigrant groups, as well as other minorities, who have fought in the struggle for respect and equal rights in American society so that all Americans may enjoy those freedoms.

  George Cassutto's Cyberlearning World

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