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Our Perspective

100 years ago Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation freeing slaves. The speech was given at the Lincoln Memorial-- the  "symbolic shadow."  The slaves who were treated with the most appalling behavior were now set free out of what King calls the "the long night of captivity."

However, the Emancipation Proclamation did legally set the black slaves free the racial prejudice was still there. Segregation and discrimination still occurred. Blacks were still treated as slaves even though they were free. It was as if blacks were pushed aside.

King is saying that we as a nation have made a contract to try to make everybody equal. By Washington and Jefferson writing the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence (the contracts) every American, black or white should have the same rights. That is not true. All men were not guaranteed the same rights, those of the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

King is saying there is not enough justice for black people. There is not enough equality among the races. The promise of equality has not been kept. We as a nation cannot go slow towards equality, we must hurry up.

    Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. told the world that it would be "fatal"
not to understand the importance of the movement. For the black
people will not die off or go away, but they will get stronger. We will not fall towards physical violence we shall not succumb to ignorance, but rise above it all. As the Negro spiritual said: "We shall overcome..."

    "You asked when will we be satisfied?" We could not be satisfied
until we could do the same things. When we can walk down the street and look upon as if we were the same. We as black people knew that it was not going to be easy, but the struggle would be worth it to be as one. Remember that all white people are not prejudice because of the attendance of today. They to what to have a better society for there children to live in also.

    Despite the violence, despite prejudice, racism, despite all the struggles and setbacks, Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream that one day, black and white will  be considered equal.

    America should be what it is, yellow, brown, white, red and black. Every race getting along, and every race respecting each other.

    Martin Luther King has a dream that his children, and his children's children will no longer be slaves to the white powerholders, but will be no better, and no less then any other race.

    Martin Luther had a dream that his words will reach even the most backward, old-fashion towns, like in the state of Mississippi. Mississippi was a state where a number of people were killed in the name of equality for black people.

    It does not matter the color of your skin, but how you are, and the way you act towards others.

    Martin Luther King had a dream that all the children of the world, no matter the color, will play together, talk together, get along together, and love each other.

Alabama was also a site of great conflict between the Civil Rights workers and segregationists in government and in the public. In Birmingham, police dogs and fire hoses were used against peaceful marchers. And the Governor had stood in the way of federal troops who had been ordered to make sure public facilities were desegregated.

    Despite the feeling of hopelessness, there is still hope. Its so important that races are not separated. Learning from each other.

King used words from the Bible to show the moral nature of his position, and that of the non-violent Civil Right Movement.

The Civil Rights Movement as led by King engaged in non-violent protest, also known as passive resistance. King went to jail a number of times defending his rights under the law. he even wrote an important document outlining his goals and strategies for the movement entitled "Letter From A Birmingham Jail."

    After going through all the setbacks, and frustrations trying to get a racism-free country, we will be able to sing "My Country Tis Of Thee" with pride, knowing the words are true.

America must become a great nation; we all should have freedom. King said, "when we let freedom ring" we will be able to hurry up the day.

One day all people, no matter what race or religion will be created equally. All races will be able to come together and go to the same schools and stores. All races will be able to sit where ever they want on the buses, etc.

King said, "one day we will be able to join hands and sing the words of the old Negro spiritual "free at last!" Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!" When King said these words,  he meant we will all be free no matter what race or religion we are.

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