Rights of Women: Their Suppression in America Today.

Rights of Women: Their Suppression in America Today.

The suppression of women is still a big issue in America today. Some people believe that women have risen to equality with men, but many others support the point that the suppression of women in many aspects of society is continuing to take place.

SIDE A - Women are not being suppressed in the U.S. today.

SIDE B - Women are being suppressed in the U.S. today.

SIDE A - To me, it is quite obvious that both genders in today's society have all the same chioces in the job market. Women have just as many opportunities as men do in the work force of America. Women are doctors, lawyers, congresswomen, athletes, and construction workers. There is no job in this country that women cannot do. The "glass ceiling" has been broken, and women have risen to the same level as men.

SIDE B - Legally, yes, women have the same opportunities as men. However, few women have made it as high up on the corporate ladder as men. Males are almost always the boss, and they give fellow male workers more opportunities than women. The "glass ceiling" may have some small holes in it, but it is definitely not broken.

SIDE A - In some cases that may be true, but most women do find their holes in the ceiling, and the holes aren't as small as some people may think. Most women make their own glass ceilings when they take a small compliment and turn it into a sexual harassment case.

SIDE B - That's absurd! Most women do not file sexual harassment cases for exactly that reason - they don't want to be held back in their career. Men have far too much control in America. Out of the total working population estimated at 118 million, women account for only 44 million. That's only about 37%. In addition, women earn only about seventy cents for every dollar that men make. Margery Elfin, author of the book The Cost of Being Female, says "In 20 years, women have only come 4 cents closer to being paid the same as men." It's the same way at home. Many husbands like to possess their wives, controlling everything they do. There's always a "man of the house", but how often do you hear of a "woman of the house"?

SIDE A - Women live better lives now, thanks to the women's movement. They've risen in economics, politics, and are more intellectual and more intolerant of violence against them. Millions of American women continue to choose to stay home instead of working. In many cases, women are the head of the household even though it is not spoken aloud.

SIDE B - The main reason that women stay home instead of entering the work force is because it is male dominated now, and they do not wish to be suppressed, so they stay home to excel at something else. Also, they are raised to think that women should be meek, quiet beings, and to be a loving housewife. Women are only the head of the household in the sense that they handle the finances and take care of the cleaning, cooking, etc. The power behind all this is ultimately the husband, who encourages her to do her household duties, take care of the children, and let him bring in the money. In fact, according to a national youth survey conducted by Time magazine, the majority of both males and females believe it is easier to be a man in America today. (Time, pg 14)

SIDE A - This cannot be true because women are given the same education as men. Most go to public schools that are not separated by sex. The children are given the same education by the teachers. None of the students are discriminated by sex because there are both male and female teachers. Unlike in the past, if there is discrimination by a teacher, then it can be brought up as an issue with the school board. The teachers or the media do not teach women to be meek, quiet housewives.

SIDE B - There are things happening in education in America today that are the exact opposite of that. Consider the Citadel and the Virginia Military Institute. Both are all male schools, and have been argued against because they were unwilling to give equal opportunities to women. Also, teachers in co-ed public schools tend to help male students more, and lean to their needs as opposed to the females' needs. Often, male and female students are not treated equally at all.

SIDE A - Considering the Citadel and the Virginia Military Institute, both have had women in their school. So, there is no reason to consider them a threat to women's education. The Citadel and the Virginia Military Institute are both military schools, and women who intend on going into the army should attend these schools.

SIDE B - The only reason women ever got into these schools is because they had to force their way in. The other people in the school were less than welcoming. In all cases, the women had to drop out due to harassment by the male cadets.

SIDE A - Women should not be in these schools in the first place, because they are built for men. They are not equipped to accomadate women's needs. They also have no sympathy or understanding for single mothers of pregnant women. Even though it is not unhealthy for women to do normal work when they are pregnant, the intense training that the women must endure in the schools will harm the baby.

SIDE B - A pregnant woman would not even apply to such a school for just that reason. They would stay home and care for the children, which brings us to another issue. Obviously, during the early years of a child's life, the mother needs to be home with them. However, once the child is older, the woman may wish to go back to work. But by then, the male is used to being the provider, and often doesn't like the idea of his wife going back to work. He expects her to always stay home and be the permanent baby-sitter. This is not ideal for the woman's health, stress level, or social life. Child care should be divided more equally in most households.

SIDE A - Child care is, for the most part, divided equally in a stable family. Except for the exceptions of bad marriages, separations, divorces, and single parents, the child care is divided equal. Although some families have barbaric male role models and meek, quiet female role models, most have more domestically equal parental units.

SIDE B - There are no statistics or studies to prove the point you just made. Looking at this issue as a whole, it seems that your points have no logical reason to them. There are numerous studies which show instances of the oppression of women in today's society. On the other hand, your points have few facts or statistics behind them. Much of your argument is based on opinion. The supports used by my side are made up of factually based research. Although some of your statements are research based, your statements are stretched to the point where they are beyond belief.

SIDE A - I see that I need more information to support my ideals. At the present moment you have more legitimate information and you made your point well.

Side B was written by Emily B. and
Melody M,
Side A by Gina R.
and Ankur M.

Sources: 1) Hinding, Andrea. Feminism - Opposing Viewpoints

2) Gibbs, Nancy. "The dreams of Youth" Time magazine, Fall 1990-Special Issue

3) Finsterbusch, Kurt and McKenna, George. Taking Sides : Clashing Views on Controversial Social Issues. 6th Edition - The Dushkin Publishing Group, Inc. 1990 Issue-Is The FeministAgenda Right for American Women?

4) Social Issues Resources Series, Inc. Edited by Eleanor Goldstein. Volume 4, Article 17. 1990

5) http://www.feminist.org/other/ccri/aafact2.html

On-Line Resources Dealing With Equality For Women And Gender Issues

Diana Home Page

Feminism On-Line

Women Leaders Online (WLO)

Women's Space

Library of Congress definition of sexism and related terms

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National Organization of Women

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