The 1920s: Answer Bank

  1. The Jazz Age and the Roaring '20s

  2. Effect of WW1

  3. Gertrude Stein

  4. Ezra Pound

  5. Ernest Hemingway

  6. F. Scott Fitzgerald

  7. Sinclair Lewis

  8. The Great Migration

  9. Marcus Garvey

  10. The Harlem Renaissance

  11. Countee Cullen, Claude McKay, and James Weldon Johnson

  12. Zora Neale Hurston

  13. Langston Hughes

  14. Jazz

  15. Cotton Club

  16. Louis Armstrong

  17. The Jazz Singer

  18. Radio

  19. George Herman "Babe" Ruth

  20. Rudolph Valentino

  21. Charles Lindbergh

  22. Amelia Earhart

  23. Suburbs

  24. The Automobile

  25. "Flaming Youth"

  26. Prohibition

  27. The Scopes Trial

  28. Warren G. Harding

  29. Andrew W. Mellon

  30. Teapot Dome Scandal

  31. Calvin Coolidge

  32. Henry Ford

  33. The Assembly Line

  34. Advertising and Credit

  35. Herbert Hoover

  36. Buying Stocks "on margin"

  1. These were nicknames for the 1920s that reflected prosperity and change.

  2. Many young people saw the war as a total waste and were troubled by the rise of prosperity that followed it.
  3. She was an American poet in Paris who coined the term "The Lost Generation."
  4. He was a writer who encouraged young people to dare to be different and rebel from the norms of the times.
  5. He wrote The Sun Also Rises which tells about the lives of Americans living overseas.
  6. He wrote Tender is the Night and This Side of Paradise which told about the spirit of post-war youth at home.
  7. He wrote Babbitt and Main Street which spoke out against greed and lack of culture in small town USA.
  8. It was a movement of over 2 million blacks who came north from the south to look for jobs.
  9. He was a Jamaican-born new Yorker who called for Blacks to find freedom in Africa.
  10. Black writers, artists and musicians were finding ways to express themselves in this New York neighborhood.
  11. They were black poets and writers who celebrated black culture in their writings.
  12. She used tales and songs of Africa to uncover the cultural roots of Blacks.
  13. He wrote powerful protests against racism and joyful celebrations of black music and dance.
  14. This type of music reaches back to African rhythms and song and came from new Orleans and the Mississippi Delta.
  15. It was  a nightclub in Harlem where white and black music lovers went to hear Jazz artists.
  16. He was a great black trumpet player that changed jazz from band oriented to solo-based music.
  17. It was the first "talkie," a movie with sound, which came out in 1927.
  18. This form of entertainment grew when baseball games were broadcasted, and then later news of the 1920 election was aired.
  19. He was seen as baseballs "home run king," hitting 714 a record lasting until the 1960s.
  20. He was a silent film star with whom many women fell in love.
  21. In his Spirit of St. Louis, he was the first to fly solo across the Atlantic.
  22. She became the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic.
  23. These were (and still are) communities that grew up outside the cities. They were brought about by streetcars and later automobiles.
  24. Owning one of these game Americans freedom for about $400.
  25. They listened to music on phonographs, crowded into movie houses, and rode around in cars. They also sat on flagpoles, and wore the latest fashions.
  26. This law made alcohol illegal, but people did it any way in secret bars called "speakeasies."
  27. A teacher was put on trial for teaching about evolution. He was defended by Clarence Darrow, a famous lawyer. William Jennings Bryan argued in favor of banning evolution .
  28. He was elected in 1920 on a platform of helping business.
  29. He was Harding's secretary of the Treasury, and as a wealthy banker, wanted to help business.
  30. This was a scandal where Albert Fall, the Secretary of the Interior was accused of taking illegal money.
  31. He took over after Harding and won in 1924 saying "the business of America is business."
  32. Ford developed this form of manufacturing in 1913 where the product moves from worker to worker, each one performing a task.
  33. He helped build the auto industry so that all could afford his "model T" and changed America forever.
  34. These were two new ways to sell products that helped build America's economy.
  35. He said "A Chicken in every pot and a car in every garage." He won the presidency in 1928 against Catholic Al Smith.
  36. This system of buying stock allowed average people to invest with very little money paid. It created a bull market and led to the stock market crash.

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