America In the Early 19th Century

  ~Manifest Destiny~

Table of Contents
Vocabulary Terms and Identifications
Important Maps
Biographies of Key Historical Figures


Overview: The Manifest Destiny was used to describe beliefs in the 1840's about territorial expansion. In other words they wanted to expand the US, coast to coast..... from the Atlantic to the Pacific ocean. This meant that that there were new states being settled, such as California and  Oregon. Oregon was being settled around the 1820's. These settlers established the Oregon Trail,  and as a result there were more pioneers that could settle in Oregon. After the Mexican War, James K. Polk (president at the time) threatened Britain, but they finally made an agreement on the 49th parallel which would act as a border in between Canada and Oregon Territory. Finally, Oregon officially became a state in 1859. Around 1846 John C. Freemont and many soldiers invaded California, made it their own Republic, and named it the Bear Flag Republic. Another effect of the Manifest Destiny was how the terrible issue of slavery spread throughout the US, and meanwhile dividing the nation. For example: While the Mexican Cession was being added to the union, the idea of popular sovereignty restarted the battle of slavery. There were lots of events that occurred during the Manifest Destiny period. There was The Compromise of 1850, which said there was no restriction on slavery in New Mexico Territory, California became a state, no slave trade in the Washington DC area, and many more key events that tried to compromise between pro-slavery and anti-slavery forces in Congress and in the territories themselves. There was also the Kansas Nebraska Act,  Uncle Tom's Cabin ( a book about slavery, by Harriet Beecher Stowe ) which was published in1852, and also a civil war broke out in Kansas.

Vocabulary and Identifications

1) Oregon Trail:  A trail leading westward which led the pioneers to a place to settle.

2) James K. Polk: President at the time of the Manifest Destiny, and also made a very important agreement with Britain which was that the 49th parallel would act as a border between Canada and Oregon Territory.
3) Bear Flag Republic: The name that John C. Freemont gave to California, and made it their own republic from 1846 to 1848.

4) Popular Sovereignty : This involves the idea where voters in a territory were given the right to decide whether to allow slavery or not to allow it.

5) The Compromise of 1850 : An agreement which said there was no restrictions on slavery in New Mexico Territory. It also set up a fugitive slave law and brought California into the Union as a slave state in 1850.

Important Maps


 Manifest Destiny Map
Manifest Destiny Map

Biographies of Important People
James K Polk:

James K. Polk was born in 1795. He was the 11th president of the United States and contributed in the Manifest Destiny by  making an important agreement with Britain. He also went to war against Mexico, which resulted in the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo. This treaty obtained the entire southwest quarter of the United States.


Test your knowledge on the Manifest Destiny.

1.The Manifest Destiny was :
     A.  An act that spread slavery coast to coast.
     B.  A term used to describe Western Expansion.
     C.  A  term used to describe the revolution of new technology.
     D.  A term that described the US's Future.

2.In the early years of the US the term 49ers was used to describe :
    A. People that mine for gold.
    B.  A football team.
    C. Coal miners.
    D. People that mined for silver.

3.Which of these people contributed in the Manifest Destiny ?
   A.   George Washington.
   B.    James K. Polk.
   C.    James Monroe.
   D.    Fredrick J. Douglas.

4.The Compromise of 1850 was:
  A. A term that said if runaway  slaves were found they must be returned.
  B. An agreement that said  there were no restrictions on slavery in Mexico.
  C. A compromise that said there would be no fighting over slaves.
  D. A compromise that said  women were allowed to vote.

Fill in the blank.

5. The (name a republic)__________ was named by John C. Freemont, and was another name for Texas.

6. This  (name a trail)____________ led pioneers to settle.





1.The Manifest Destiny was :
     A.  An act that spread slavery coast to coast.
     B.  A term used to describe Western Expansion.
     C.  A  term used to describe the revolution of new technology.
     D.  A term that described the US's Future.

2.In the early years of the US the term 49ers was used to describe :
    A. People that mine for gold.
    B.  A football team.
    C. Coal miners.
    D. People that mined for silver.

3.Which of these people contributed in the Manifest Destiny ?
   A.   George Washington.
   B.    James K. Polk.
   C.    James Monroe.
   D.    Fredrick J. Douglas.

4.The Compromise of 1850 was :
  A. A term that said if runaway  slaves were found they must be returned.
  B. An agreement that said  there were no restrictions on slavery in New Mexico Territory.
  C. A compromise that said there would be no fighting over slaves.
  D. A compromise that said  women were allowed to vote.

Fill in the blank.

5. The _Great Bear Republic_ was named by John C. Freemont, and was another name for Texas.

6. The  _Oregon Trail_ led pioneers to settle.



This page is part of a web project developed by Mr. Cassutto's 7th grade US History class at Sterling Middle School

Student authors:

Kristin O.
Jane O.
Mike M.


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