America In the Early 19th Century

Topic: The Monroe Doctrine

Table of Contents
Vocabulary Terms and Identifications
Important Maps
Biographies of Key Historical Figures


Overview: The Monroe Doctrine was a historical event that happened when James Monroe sent a letter to congress on December 2,1823. The note was about how he supported the idea that any nation should not interfere with the Western Hemisphere (Spanish America). This excited 3 of the major countries in Asia: Prussia, Russia, And England. The United States thought the Monroe Letter (that's what the letter was called until ten years later when they pronounced it as  "The Monroe Doctrine" the letter to England said that England 
should not interfere with Spanish America, would cause then to make a surprise attack from the east. The letter that James Monroe sent to Congress said that any foreign part of the world should not interfere with the western part of the United States. Britain, another one of Asia's countries thought other. They thought that people should not interfere with Spanish America either. So Britain sent a letter to The U.S.A. saying that U.S.A. should send a letter to parts of Asia telling them that they shouldn't interfere with Spanish America. John Quincy Adams, (John Adams son) thought that the US should "speak for itself." Quincy argued with the US about this subject. James Monroe, liked the idea so he followed it.  


Vocabulary and Identifications

1) James Monroe- The fifth president of the United States. He wanted to keep Europe out of the affairs of the newly independent nations of Latin America.

2) Europe- The continent that had established the new World, and that could no longer create colonies because of the Monroe Doctrine.

3) Britain- Asked the U.S.A. to write a note to parts of Europe declaring the Western Hemisphere off limits.

4) Spanish America- A region of the world that had become independent from European rule during the 1820s.

5) U.S.A.- The nation that pledged to protect the new republics under the Monroe Doctrine.

Important Maps

The Western Hemisphere in 1823

The Western Hemisphere in 1823

Biographies of Important People

Link: Simon Bolivar

Here is a biography of the South American revolution brought you you by Information Please.

John Quincy Adams

John Quincy Adams was John Adams son. In the year 1767 James Quincy Adams was born in Braintree. Quincy spent his childhood following his father with his "diplomatic" missions. In 1803 he was elected as the US senate in England. Then in 1808 he supported Thomas Jefferson that caused an outraged New England Federalists and it caused him to lose his seat. In 1809 he was elected ambassador to Russia. In 1815 to 1817 he was the ambassador to Great Britain. Quincy negotiated the treaty with Spain for a little land in Florida. He also wrote a good deal about the Monroe Doctrine. In 1824 he ran for president and he won over Jackson. He was said to be an "ineffective" president so in 1828 he lost to Jackson for the presidency again. In 1831 he went in to the House of Representatives and was there the rest of his life fighting for antislavery. In 1848 he was sitting in his house where he had a stroke and died two days later. 

James Monroe
Years in Office: 1817-1825

James Monroe's "revolutionary" politics came to him when he was at war.
He served as an officer under George Washington. Thomas Jefferson was his tutor and mentor.
Jefferson tutored him at Monticello under the law and in "democracy."
In 1790 Monroe was elected US senate. A surprising proposition popped up when an old friend wanted him to serve in England as his Minister.
That old friend was George Washington. So they crossed the Atlantic and for a couple of years he served there. Enthusiasm filled Monroe for the French Revolution because he saw it similar to the American Revolution. That was only the begging of his foreign affairs. He came back to the US and ran for president. He became president in 1817.



"The Monroe Doctrine 1823 A Land Mark in America" 1-63 Harold Cecil Vaughan

"World Book M-N" Allan E. Hoff 322-324

"The American President" 
Peter W. Kunhardt
Philip B. Kunhardt
Philip B. Kunhardt the Third
168-173 John Quincy Adams
306-311 James Monroe

This page is part of a web project developed by Mr. Cassutto's 7th grade US History class at Sterling Middle School

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