The Industrial Revolution  

Fill in the blanks using these lecture notes.

More information on the Industrial Revolution can be found on-line.


1) The US. had achieved a stable government, which encouraged foreign countries to invest in the U.S. Domestic investment also increased. 
2) The U.S. had large amounts of unused land which contained what seemed like an endless supply of natural resources.

Westward movement increased mining, cattle, and railroad industries. These industries caused increased production and movement as well
4)  The population of the U.S. doubled between 1865 and 1900 from 36 million to 76 million. Natural increases and immigration from Europe & Asia created a surplus in labor (workers).


1) Production increased. The total goods and services produced by the US went from $2 Billion in 1865 to $13 Billion in 1900, an increase of over six times.

2)  By 1900, 5.5 million people were factory workers.

3)  America went from an agricultural and rural nation to an industrial and urban nation. This process of becoming a nation where a majority lives in cities is called URBANIZATION. The use of machines in factories and in society is called  MECHANIZATION. These conditions led the US to surpass both Britain and France in industrial production.

[Cause and Effects]    [Big Business]    [Economic and Electric Power]   [Inventions]

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