Lesson Plan: Imperialism and Expansion: Part 2


Objectives: The students will

I. identify the nations that gained independence after the Spanish-American war.

II. Describe American foreign policy at the turn of the century.

Warm Up Activity (Anticipatory Set): Completing and Checking Student Assignments

A) Students have been given reading packets on American expansion during the late 1800s. 

The vocabulary terms for these concepts can be found on-line.

B)  Have students work in partner pairs. Allow them 2 to 3 minutes to compare responses on the reading packets and worksheets.

C) Have students exchange papers with a person not within their partner pair groups.

D) Review answers by displaying them on the overhead and discussing them aloud. Have students make corrections on their friend's papers and return them to their proper with the proper score.

Main Activity (Instructional Input): "Beat the Pro"

A) Use these True-False questions as the basis for the "Beat The Pro Activity."

These questions can be found as a stand-alone worksheet so students can take notes and record their answers ahead of time.

This set of questions was developed for use with Dave Carpenter's lesson structure called "Beat the Pro" found at http://ofcn.org/cyber.serv/academy/ace/misc/cecmisc/cecmisc065.html

___1) Most Americans believed the purchase of Alaska was a smart idea.



___2) Hawaii was an independent nation before it was annexed by the US in 1899.



___3) The United States had created an American empire as a result of the Spanish-American War.



___4) The Open Door Policy created spheres of influence in China during the late 1800s.



___5) Theodore Roosevelt helped McKinley defeat William Jennings Bryan in the election of 1900.



___6) Theodore Roosevelt was reluctant (not willing) to use armed forces against Caribbean nations during his administration in the early 1900s.



___7) One great accomplishment of the Roosevelt Administration was the completion of the Panama Canal in 1904.



___8) The Filipino people were grateful to America for taking over the Philippines from Spain's control in 1899.



___9) The Industrial Revolution helped bring about an imperialist foreign policy during the turn of the century.



___10) The United States continues to build an American Empire in the 21st century by conquering weaker people and using their natural resources for economic gain.



Answers are available

Wrap-Up Activity (Closure): Prepare for Quiz on Imperialism

A) Have students review the world map, timelines, and vocabulary terms on imperialism in preparation for the quiz.
B) The Rotating Review: Place one word on a computer or in columns on the board or on newsprint.

C) Have students rotate around the room adding information to the definition for each term in the vocabulary list. Then review each definition orally.

Evaluation: The lesson will be evaluated by:

I. the accuracy of student's written responses;

II. student's scores on future tests and quizzes.

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