Britain Now Friend, Not Foe

February 27, 1783

Since peace discussions between the United States and Britain began in Paris nearly a year ago, in April of 1782, our newspaper has been carefully following the course of events. And now, we are pleased to announce that the Treaty of Paris, the document which will conclude the American Revolution, was ratified by American and British delegates just a short time ago.

American delegates sent to Paris included the great and famous men, Benjamin Franklin, John Jay, and John Adams. These men were instructed to to consult with the French Government before signing the treaty, but the delegates paid no heed to these orders. As most every colonist knows, the Preliminary Treaty was concluded with Britain on Nov. 30, 1782. This was approved by Congress on April 15, 1783, nearly a year after the peace discussions began. 

Not only does the Treaty conclude what historians will call the American Revolution, but it also accomplishes the following:

1) It recognizes the independence and sovereignty of the United States, as well as
2) establishing the new borders of our country. Thanks to the signing of the Treaty of Paris, America now extends from the Atlantic Ocean, west to the Mississippi River and runs from Canada down to Florida, which is currently still Spanish Territory. However, the Treaty of Paris also
3) protects our national rights to fish off the coasts of Nova Scotia and Newfoundland. 

It can be assumed that conditions of life in the Colonies will change as well. Congress has already advised that the land of British colonists who remained in the Monarchist camps, which was seized during the war, shall be returned, and it is certain that many other recommendations will be announced as time passes and our country begins to form a place in the world's affairs for itself. 

To the Editor:

Americans for good? 
It is outrageous that a half-hearted mass of unorganized colonists took it upon themselves to rebel against the greatest government in the known world. Britain is the supreme power and God graced power to which all so-called-Americans should bow to with respect. Great Britain was our true mother-country, she took us under her wing, granted us with all that we needed to survive in this new land. She treated us well, but childish colonists chose to seek "freedom" and rebel against her once she asked for a small favor of taxes so that she may survive. How can it be that we took so much but when Britain requested something in return, we refused? 

Now, it is the end. With the signing of the Treaty of Paris, all those who cried for freedom are granted it. They may charge their own taxes, and support themselves. As for myself, I am returning to my home, to England. It would be a wish for failure, for anyone to remain, for how can you expect a group of impulsive, wild-hearted fools to run a country, especially since they won a war only with luck? Feel free my former colonist allies, to call yourself Americans, but don't insult me by calling yourself British.

A True Loyalist

Town Debate!

At 7:00 in the evening on Wednesday, March 3rd, Seventeen-hundred-and-eighty-three, a town debate meeting shall be held at Westport Tavern. All are welcome. No violence or fighting is permitted, only verbal dispute. 

Colonist of the Times: Ben Franklin

In concurrence with the recent happenings in Paris, our paper is running a special article about Ben Franklin, one of the American delegates sent over seas to achieve a meaningful peace benefiting the United States.

Benjamin Franklin was born in 1706 in Boston, in the colony of Massachusetts. He is one of thirteen children. Ben's father is a candlemaker and his mother is a simple housewife. At age 17, Ben left home to seek his own place in the world. Franklin became an apprentice to his brother James, a printer of a Boston newspaper. In 1723 he ran away to Philadelphia, but left a short time later in 1724, and went to England, where he became a master printer. Ben came back to Philadelphia and started his own newspaper. At age 42 he retired because he was so successful and continued to receive a comfortable income from his business for 20 more years after his retirement.

In 1773 Franklin began protesting the Tea Act. He served on the Pennsylvania Committee of Safety and in the Continental Congress, where he submitted articles of Confederation for the United colonies and helped to draft a new constitution for Pennsylvania. In 1754, Franklin proposed the Albany Plan of Union, but it was rejected. He also helped to produce the Declaration of Independence, to which he proudly enscribed his name. At age 70 he had become a fervent revolutionist. In October 1776, he was appointed Commissioner to France. The Treaty of Paris established a diplomatic corps that sent to Europe outstanding representatives such as Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and of course, Ben Franklin. His duty was signing the Treaty and assuring that it was fair to the rights of the American nation!

We are all certain that Benjamin Franklin will accomplish many great things in the future and are pleased to publish his story in our press.

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