Is the Dream a Reality?
What recommendations did Martin Luther King make to both blacks and whites to improve the conditions of blacks in America? Have his recommendations been made a reality? Why or why not?

Is the Dream a Reality?

To often black Americans and white Americans deal with racial conflict through violence. The Rodney King incident and the L.A. riots are two recent examples. However, nothing is solved this way. Violence leaves people with anger, embarrassment and feelings of revenge. Martin Luther King Jr. made recommendations to deal with racism. Kings major recommendation states that all whites and blacks should use nonviolence to protest and should use love and dignity to for people to live peacefully together.

On August 28, 1963 at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C., Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said," I have a Dream." King actually outlined several dreams. One of his dreams, or recommendations to society was for all black and white Americans should live together in a country where there will be no racism and prejudice people. People can not allow the protest to divert into a physical violence contest. King said, "let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred.

In spite of King's efforts, racism is still alive and well today. When people flee from their own countries and come to America to escape hardships they run into a bigger problem which is RACISM. All Americans try to gain power by separating themselves from each other. Our society today continues to have problems with racism and prejudice. Due to the fact that people still practice these beliefs King's dream has not become a reality.

To get past these prejudice beliefs people must learn to tolerate and work with each other. Certain myths such as all blacks live in urban cities or all whites a prosperous and bound for success need to be erased. In order to erase these myths people need to be educated about all cultures that make up our nation. Like King said," people need not to be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."

In conclusion, some of King's recommendations have been met. Blacks and whites have begun to solve their differences through non-violent means. On August 28, 1995 32 years after King's speech "I have a Dream". Let's see if the children of today can make this dream come to reality. We as citizens have to accept people by their inner qualities and not by their external characteristics.

Olly N.
Jason O.
John S.

Oprah Winfrey, "Shades of a Single Protein" (Video) Martin Luther King's Speech "I Have a Dream" (1963) Information Please Almanac, 1994

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