Is The Dream Still Alive?
Are blacks still experiencing discrimination in the area of jobs, legal rights, and education?

Is The Dream Still Alive?

Thirty years after the civil rights movement began African-Americans are still experiencing discrimination in the areas of jobs legal rights and education.

Every child is supposed to be offered an equal education. However, even after integration, statistics still show that caucasians have a better chance to excel academically. While 34% of African-American males ages 16-34 drop out of high school, only 26% of caucasians males the same age drop out.

Studies show that most poverty-stricken are of African-American race, according to the _Social Problems_ manual, 1988, possibly due to the lack of jobs. 8% of caucasian males are unemployed, while 23% of African-American males are without a job. Some employers tend to discriminate against minorities, eventhough it is illegal.

The Federal and state governments, under the 14th amendment of the Constitution, must treat all citizens equally. However , more African-Americans receive the death penalty for the same crimes than Caucasians do. To add to that 6% of African-Americans, age 16- 34, are in jail, while only 1% of Caucasian males, the same age, are in jail, according to the 1993 World Almanac.

Dr.Martin Luther King had a dream that one day all people, no matter what race, would live together peacefully and equally. Although many points of this dream have been accomplished many are still lost in a nation of white supremacy.

Alison G.
Meredith L.

King, Martin Luther, "I Have A Dream," 1963
1993 World Almanac
Social Problems, 1988

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