Reading Notes on the American Revolution: Page 4

December 16, 1773
December 16, 1773
Complete the image.

The Radicals and Tea

What was the purpose of the Committees of Correspondence? 

To keep the radicals in Massachusetts in touch with each other and leaders in Boston.

The Tea Act gave:

The British East India Company a monopoly on tea imports to America.

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Provisions of the Acts:

1. Closed Boston Harbor.

2. Placed Massachusetts under military rule. 10,000 British troops placed in MA to enforce the laws.

3. The Quartering Act was renewed. 

The Coercive Acts
The Intolerable Acts

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The Quebec Act
The Quebec Act

 Purpose: To improve relations with the Canadians.

Action: Included Ohio Country in Quebec's borders.

Result: Added colonial anger against Great Britain.

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