The U.S. and the Approach of World War II


Use the lecture notes for this page to complete the questions below.

American Reaction To World Events: 1930-1939

American ____________ grows in strength as the Depression worsened. As the economy improved, isolationism became less popular.
The __________  ____________  _____________ was given support by famous Americans such as Charles __________________. It upheld a policy of non-involvement in European affairs. Many saw Lindbergh as a ___________ after U.S. entry into the war (1941).

The Peace Movement also gained strength. __________________ believe that war is morally wrong and they opposed U.S. entry into World War II.

The strength of isolationism was represented by the passage of the ___________________ ____________ of 1935 and 1937.

The Neutrality Acts

1) Prevented the sale of arms to warring powers (___________________);
2) Allowed the _________________ to O.K. a sale of arms;
3) Sales of Arms had to be done on a ____________  _________  __________ basis (immediate payment);
4) Prohibited Americans from traveling on belligerent ships.

These laws were opposed because they restricted the freedom to travel by Americans and violated Wilson's idea of __________________  ______  ______ ________________. _________________ opposed the Neutrality Acts became they felt the U.S. would be restricted in protecting democracy around the world.

These laws reflected American public opinion at the time they were passed by Congress.

Word Bank 

America First Movement
Neutrality Acts
cash and carry
Freedom of the Seas

[Events in Europe 1919-1939]   [Before America's Entry]   [America Reacts]   [Moving Towards War]
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